Sunday, January 11, 2015

New Course Offerings

Yesterday I wrote up a guitar arrangement for the Beatles' version of A Taste of Honey. Lots of songs get cooler when you analyze them a bit; I teach the guitar part(s) but also guide the student to give attention to chord progressions and chord voicings, songwriting, composition, performance. This song just may make the cut in one of my new guitar courses for intermediate students, British Invasion Immersion. We'll tackle some Kinks, Stones, Beatles, Animals, and more. I'm putting together a course in American Songbook/Standards as well, and I'll keep you posted as to these and other offerings so that we can get started soon and fight the winter doldrums. Meantime, you can contact me here. As always, I have a great curriculum for beginners, too, and lots of songs and arrangements in the filing cabinets. Don't go another year without playing more. PLAY.

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